Welcome Welcome



Welcome to Ratefinding.com
(Version undefined on PROD)

If this is your first time on our page, please update your user data after your first login!

  1. click on "My Account"
  2. update your e-mail address, first name and last name
  3. choose on "Display" "Language" if you wish to use the system in english, spanish, french or german. Please note, that you will receive all further correspondence in the respective language.
  4. You can change your password in the section "Password". Password requirements: minimum 12 characters and must contain a number, a capital, a minuscule and a special character. The new password must not correspond to the last 5 passwords used for Ratefinding.com.

System Requirements System Requirements

System Requirements


To work smoothly on Ratefinding.com you should use a High Speed Internet Access / DSL


As minimum system requirement we recommend

Mozilla Firefox Quantum, Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge

(the most current version of the browser is always a plus)



User Manuals User Manuals



Ratefinding.com wants to give you some help to have a smooth start into the RFP process.

Please find our

User Manuals

available in our download area